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Posted by Jamie Colegrove on

Here's the bullet points you need to know:
* Starts Saturday, May 1 at 10am - ends at 7pm
* Selection is 2020 comics -  set up on tables OUTSIDE
* We will participate in the official FCBD on August 14, 2021
* No limit to the titles - take what you want, read what you take!
* 2 creators - Dirk Manning & Joel Jackson
* 1 publisher - Aftershock Comics
* We are collecting canned goods for the food bank.
* Our neighbor, ZiegenBike, will be grilling hot dogs, offering popcorn & cotton candy and collecting donations for the food bank.
* Safety measures include but are not limited to - required face covers by staff
and guests, social distancing, constant cleaning of high traffic surfaces, and if you're sick - stay home.
* Costume Contest starting at 1pm - prizes to be awarded to kids 13 & under and adults 14 & up.
* Wear a cape or costume and get 10% off your purchase



2021 marks the 20th anniversary Free Comic Book day, a day of celebrating the comic - an original American art form - by giving you free comics. The industry has decided to push off the 2021 event until August in the hopes that much of the uncertainty and disruption related to COVID-19 will have passed. 

"But FCBD is always the first Saturday in May" you respond. Just like life finds a way, so do your friends at Packrat.  

In 2020, when the industry cancelled FCBD as a result of the pandemic, we provided a drive-thru Free Comic Book Day event where we created 'family bags' of comics with books from past events. Cars drove up, got a bag of comics and if able, donated to the annual food drive. Thanks to your generosity we were able to collect over 30 boxes of food for the Hilliard Food Pantry. While eventually the event with the 2020 comics was rescheduled throughout the summer, it wasn't quite the same.

Since nearly everyone missed out on the 2020 comic selection, we've ordered more just for you. From Spider-Man & Zelda to Batman & Donald Duck, we've ordered another 10,000 Free Comic Book Day books that you can pick up on May 1. There's no limit to the number of different titles you can select. Can't figure out which one, grab both or all.  And if we run out, don't worry, the official Free Comic Book Day on August 14 will provide another opportunity for even more free comic fun.

While there's no limit to the number of titles that you select, and our normal 'buy more for canned goods' isn't required, we are doing our annual food drive to coincide with the fun. Get some free comics...feed a hungry family. 

We are fortunate that at this time 1 in 4 people have been vaccinated and our cases in Ohio are on the downswing and getting back to normal is just on the horizon.  While the exact plan for the event has yet to be figured out, in store, drive-thru, appointment, or whatever other Plan D we come up with, mark your calendar TWICE for FCBD 2021 - May 1 & August 14 because we will find a way. Excelsior!

We're excited to announce the inclusion of 1 comic creator and 1 comic publisher to our mini-FCBD 2021 event with the 2020 FCBD comics you missed.

Dirk Manning - "Tales of Mr. Rhee" & "Nightmare World" creator & writer, Dirk Manning's haunting tales have been whispered through the halls of Image Comics, Devil's Due, Caliber Press, Aspen and Big Dog Ink. His current project is the autobiography  Butts In Seats: The Tony Shiavone Story   Come meet the legend!

AfterShock Comics - Launched in April 2015, AfterShock Comics is a comic book company that combines the creative edge of an independent comic book publisher with the strengths and experience of a traditional powerhouse.

As an added bonus and to make the day more fun, wear a cape or costume and get 10% off your purchase.

Safety Measures

*We will limit the store to a 50% maximum occupancy capacity.

*All staff will continue wearing face masks.

*We'll continue our cleaning routine of sanitizing counters, doors, pens, faucets, along with any other highly used areas or items throughout the day.

*We have complimentary gloves, masks and hand sanitizer for anyone in need.

*We are requesting that everyone continue social distancing, keep to one person per aisle, be aware of the floor markings to help maintain distance at the check out counters.

*We're asking that if you're sick, stay home, there's another FCBD in August.


Free Comic Book Day Costume Contest on Saturday, May 1 at 1 pm. Registration will be at the soda booth outside of the store and prizes to be awarded to kids 13 & under and adults 14 & up. In addition to the Packrat gift cards for first, second, and third place, Valiant has donated some exclusives comics and graphic novels as prize support.Our very talented cosplayer, Aubrey, will be judging the fun! See you Saturday.

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