Fifteen-year-old Patrick Todd lives on the run, hiding out in seedy motels, living out of his backpack and making sure that his mom - recently struck down by a mysterious illness of the mind - is well cared for. But doctors cost money. A lot of money. And, so, Patrick turns to a life of crime. Using the telepathic abilities he's been hiding all his life, he forces the worst of the worst to rob banks, taking the money before making them turn themselves in to the police. But someone has taken notice of Patrick's schemes. A reckoning is coming. Will the police find Patrick in time to save him, or will he become yet another victim of the killer called Zeus? Written by Ed Brisson (BEYOND THE BREACH, Uncanny X-Men, Old Man Logan) and illustrated by Gavin Guidry (Captain America: The Ghost Army, Going to The Chapel), THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH PATRICK TODD weaves a web of intrigue, deceit and hot pursuit as danger closes in from all directions.
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